David A.
Dimeo Memorial Labyrinth
Tinker Nature Center
This Labyrinth is located in the Tinker Nature Park. In 1992, John and Carol Tinker Aldridge donated 68 acres of the Tinker Familys farm to the Town of Henrietta to be developed as a nature park.Tinker Nature Park: Trails Are Open Dawn Until Dusk and is a Carry In- Carry Out Park that does Not Allow Pets. It features a 1.2 mile hiking trail and a 1/2 mile nature trail. Tinker Nature Park has several unique features that includes the Labyrinth. The Park also features a pond for fishing (bass season only), A playground and recreation area, a physical fitness course, Nature Center buidling with classrooms, restrooms, library, giftshop, displays, and three pavilions with picnic tables for cold picnics.
.The Park and Labyrinth are handicap accessible.
125 Calkins Road
PO Box 999
Henrietta, NY 14467
(585) 359-7044 - (585) 359-7045 fax
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